
In the process of...

Starting now, I am going to start posting paintings that I am working on. I haven't painted in a while, and so I can use all the help I can get. So artistic people, please help me out with any ideas or tips you have for me. This is Pat's painting (right).

He wanted a tree with a green and cobalt color scheme.He wants it to look like this other tree painting here (left). It doesn't. But this painting is annoying, my hearts not in it....and he likes it as is.....so yes, I am copping out. Unless, anyone has some quick tips to spice it up?

This is one of the other paintings I am working on. The theme is metaphysical wit....yes John Donne bladee bla bla! So my idea is to make the table a compass....and then either skeletalize the body...or make it naked and feminine...I think I need to get rid of weird mannequin torso in the background, and what the hell am I doing with the background??? I just don't know! This is one of those "it made sense in my head" paintings, but once I started barfing it out it doesn't work so well. Help!

I don't know

Under my skin, you cling,
a tendon running the length of my torso.
My heart entangled amongst a web of nerves,
tentacles, twisting a hangman's noose -
you have pulled,injecting my veins
with your hurt. I feel it.
I feel


lining me, salty as bone-marrow.
I have lost you,and now I lay on the floor,
collapsed, a puddle of flesh and fluid and tears,
my backbone in retreat. I have broken my bones,
and so they have fled.

In every piece, in every cell
you live, like resin.

My body betrays me.

Perhaps, in time, I will shed you.